An Election Message from UBC General President Douglas McCarron
UBC Election Center Places Local Info into Your Hands
Harris Knows Carpenters
Registration & Voting Dates to Remember
Which One Protects Carpenter Core Issues?
Federal Order Protects Union Jobs
Why Did the UBC Endorse VP Harris?
Hear VP Harris' Message to UBC SIBs & All Members
VP Harris Visits the UBC's International Training Center
One Voice Can Make a Difference
Know Your Carpenter Economics
UBC Election Center - Find Local Endorsed Candidates Here
Federal Union-Protecting Actions
The Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council is actively involved in politics on the federal, state and local levels, and we help our individual members to speak in a strong, unified voice. We practice “Carpenter Politics,” an inclusive and non-partisan effort to support candidates who champion the goals of working people, promote needed infrastructure investments, and support fair trade.
Political activity is an important function of our Locals and Council. Political committees may interview candidates seeking support, promote political involvement and voting among the membership, and assist in campaigns.
Members are encouraged to attend government meetings and public hearings where issues affecting them are discussed and to reach out directly to the officials they helped elect.
Get involved! We need every carpenters’ voice to be heard in our halls of government!
Knowledge is power, and an effective way to gain that knowledge is to ask for it! We’ve started an “Ask the Political Director” program, where Brett Hulme will field your questions items ranging from local municipal measures and statewide races to federal issues. > Submit Your Question