DA Mulroy, left, with SECRC Political Director Brett Hulme, center, and LU345 Business Manager Jeremy Tallent, right
In a press conference held on tax day – April 18, 2023 – Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy, which covers the Memphis area, announced a partnership with the Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council (SECRC) and its Memphis Local Union 345 to fight tax fraud. DA Mulroy said the partnership is meant to specifically combat wage theft and worker exploitation by stopping intentional misclassification of workers as independent contractors.
“I consider this a significant issue that really hadn’t been given enough attention,” Mulroy said.
Mulroy’s office is beefing up his economic crimes unit, which will be the arm of the DA’s office that works with Local Union 345 to battle tax fraud. The DA also consulted with national experts in this area of the law. Mulroy added that while violent crime is always his office’s top priority, “we aren’t going to stand idly by and ignore situations where we are presented evidence of worker misclassification,” he said.
“Ensuring that workers get a fair wage for a fair day’s work is not only a just thing, in and of itself, but it helps with economic development, and it helps with crime. People who are able to earn a living wage are less tempted to use illegal means to make ends meet,” Mulroy said.
The SECRC brings its fight against Tax Fraud to Memphis fresh from an incredible victory for all of Georgia. Just last year, the Southeastern Carpenters helped the Georgia legislature craft language for House Bill 389, which helps stop employers from misclassifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees. Georgia Republicans, Democrats and the Governor’s office virtually unanimously voted to pass the bill into law.
“We are committed to achieving the same results for Memphis as we had in Georgia,” said SECRC’s Tom Jenkins, executive secretary-treasurer. “This partnership is a great first step and we are already at work to get the information DA Mulroy needs to crack down on the criminal Tax Fraud behavior that is permeating throughout Memphis.”
The partnership caught the attention of the media. Check it out:
Daily Memphian: https://dailymemphian.com/article/35599/
NBC Affiliate Action News 5 (VIDEO OF THE PRESS CONFERNCE INCLUDED): https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/04/18/da-steve-mulroy-provides-updates-public-safety/
Commercial Appeal: https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/2023/04/18/shelby-county-district-attorney-office-to-renew-focus-on-labor-exploitation/70126863007/
Yahoo News: https://news.yahoo.com/da-mulroys-office-revamp-unit-193245052.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANffweuAg1JmCHiCG3wgQIHI6bLx7ClA6EyBHKQrYw197G1HqQ2nk54GOZXr0Z1G9O1sNhWbVrl-uQxXqtB0e2tfDMeXh7wO4FBLTBxUakPynmsfJkBBR5JcyJMIfoF0RD06PVNkOs2aMCiSp2KINSjfiwE8QMg3esoUt3S-Lwc0